Flavor Notes

Rainier Cherry

Cherry, Rainier Cherry.. exactly!! 🙂

Just a bowl full of Rainier Cherries..

Random “cherries” for thoughts.. Did you know, this is a yellow cherry with a “blush”? It is the sweetest cherry available, and Flavorah did a heck of a job reproducing the taste of an actual rainier cherry.

My average use for Rainier runs from just one drop in a 30ml bottle, up to .4%. I have seen others use it higher, but I have to stop myself at .4% because it can take over a recipe. It’s best friend is Lime! Yes.. and Rainer cherry makes the best slushys and smoothies! It’s also good for those candies and punches..

If you want to, try adding some pucker to it, either with the Pucker tobacco haha! or some malic and citric acid. Play around, because the rainier cherry is full of good cherry tastes.. can’t go wrong there!

Here is one of my cherry recipes

Smoky Blue’s Bahama Bound 

Amaretto Sour (Flavorah)0.40
Bourbon (Flavorah)0.12
Cranberry (Flavorah)0.40
Oak Barrel (Flavorah)0.20
Pineapple (Flavorah)1.00
Rainier Cherry (Flavorah)0.12
Sweet Cream (Flavorah)1.00

Flavor total: 3.24%

Remember to rate it at e-liquid-recipes.com!

If you would like to dig thru the rest, I do have a few others right here