Flavor Notes

Wood Spice

First up.. do you like to keep things on the down low? Are you looking for something on the side? A bit different approach, this might be the one you are looking for!

Meet the Ron Burgundy flavor!

With touches of Sandlewood, Cedar and there is something else in the backgroud.. a little yen for your yang.. a oooh lala.. Wood Spice.. You won’t go wrong.. mainly meant for tobaccos like Oriental, or even your Red burley.. this will add a touch of moisture to your mixes.

My usage.. ahhh.. from a few drops in 30ml up to .4% as I really do not feel the need to take it any higher. It’s not a main flavoring. Kind of like Lovage. 😀

I do not believe I have public recipes for this one, but perhaps sometime I will release a few. I did find it super nice with Oriental, using persimmon, mango, and red raspberry. Play around with this one and see what you think.. am I right? I do believe this one can bring some afternoon delight to your juices!

I don’t think Wood spice would go too well with creams.. but nuts on the other hand!! 🙂